Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Meeting Maksim Chmerkovskiy at Zang Toi's Fall 2013 Fashion Show

It’s always fun meeting some of my favorite celebrities at New York Fashion Week. Last season my favorite celeb to meet was Fran Drescher. This season it was definitely Maksim Chemovorksy. I met him at the Zang Toi Fall 2013 fashion show. He was so nice in person and definitely even more handsome in real life. I was excited to tell him that like him, I’m also originally from Ukraine. The second I was about to speak to him in Russian, he complimented me on my outfit and told me I looked beautiful. 

Unexpectedly, at that moment I forgot how to speak and I remember mumbling thanks before walking away in a daze of ‘did that really just happen’?!

I completely missed the opportunity to tell him in Russian that I was also from Ukraine and that I really admired his work and how much he’s accomplished here in America.

Maksim, if by some one in a million chance you come across this post; here is what I wanted to tell you in Russian: “Ya toshe priyehala se Odessa! Ya ochen lublu shto te deleyash y vasheshause skoka te zdelale v Ameriky!
Translation: I’m also from Odessa. I really love what you do and admire how much you’ve accomplished in America!

After meeting Maks I ran into one of my favorite people at Fashion Week, celebrity photographer Andrew Werner. I told him the story of how excited I was to have met Maks just a few minutes ago. He thought an impromptu Dancing with the Stars picture was appropriate to celebrate the moment. Carl Maiorino was one of the photographers that captured the above epic DWTS shot of Andrew and me. Thanks again Carl for taking this great photo. Truly one of the highlights of my Fashion Week this season!

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